How to Feng Shui Your Bedroom for Better Sleep
Your bedroom should be a sanctuary and calming haven that welcomes you after a long stressful day. Since the average person spends upwards of eight hours a day in this sacred space, it’s important to maximize your bedroom feng shui for better relaxation and sleep.
Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese practice that aims to create harmonious surroundings by arranging objects and space in a certain way. The goal is to achieve a better flow of energy, or chi, in order to improve all aspects of life. While there are many different schools of thought on feng shui, the most basic principle is to make sure your environment is clean and clutter-free. This is because chi cannot flow freely when there are obstacles in the way.
When it comes to feng shui in your bedroom for better sleep, there are key things to keep in mind:
– Keep the color scheme muted and natural
– Make the bed the focal point of the room
– Place furniture so that it allows for easy movement and flow
– Have an even number of objects in the room
– Declutter the space
– Avoid having a television in the bedroom
– Avoid having a mirror facing the bed
– Appeal to the five senses
– Utilize a Bagua map to determine which elements to bring into the bedroom
Read on for an in-depth breakdown of how to feng shui your bedroom.
Choose the Right Color Scheme
When it comes to feng shui, the color scheme of your bedroom is very important. You want to choose colors that will promote relaxation and sleepiness. Certain colors are thought to promote maximum sensuality and peaceful vibes in the bedroom and promote restful sleep.
A general rule of thumb is to opt for earth tones or muted shades you’d find in nature. Blues and greens are great choices, as they are calming colors. Browns and beiges can also be used, as they create a sense of warmth and security. Colors like reds and bright oranges should be avoided, as they are energizing colors that can keep you awake.
Bedroom feng shui colors to embrace:
– Blues
– Greens
– Browns
– Beiges
Bedroom feng shui colors to avoid:
– Reds
– Bright Oranges
– Stark Whites

Choose the Right Furniture Layout
Furniture placement is important in feng shui. You want to be able to move around freely and not feel cramped in your space.
Make your Bed the Focal Point of the Room
The bed should be the focal point of the room, and it should be placed against the wall so that you can see the door from it. This is called the “commanding position,” and it gives you a sense of security while you sleep. The headboard should be solid, preferably made of wood, and it should be high enough so that your pillows are propped up against it when you’re in bed.

Arrange Furniture for Movement and Flow
The other pieces of furniture in the room should be arranged in a way that allows for easy movement and flow. There should be enough space to walk around freely, and all of the furniture should be in proportion to the size of the room. You also want to avoid putting anything sharp or pointy near the bed, as this can create negative energy.

Have Pairs of Everything
When it comes to feng shui, it’s important to decorate in pairs. This is because having an even number of objects creates balance and harmony in the space. When it comes to feng shui in the bedroom, this means having two of everything – two lamps, two pillows, two nightstands, etc. This not only creates more balanced and peaceful energy in the room but also helps to promote better sleep.

Unclutter Your Space
In addition to having two of everything, it is also important to have a clear and uncluttered space. This means getting rid of any clutter that might be taking up space in your bedroom. Clutter can create feelings of anxiety and stress, which are not conducive to a good night’s sleep. Take some time to declutter your bedroom and make sure it is a calm and serene space.

Avoid Having a Television in the Bedroom
There are many things you can do to feng shui your bedroom for better sleep, but there are also a few things to avoid. One thing to avoid is having a television in the bedroom. Television emits electromagnetic fields that can disrupt your sleep patterns.

Avoid a Mirror Facing the Bed
Another thing to avoid is having a mirror face your bed. Mirrors reflect energy and can cause restlessness. If you absolutely must have a mirror in the bedroom, make sure it isn’t facing your bed.

Appeal to the Five Senses
When it comes to feng shui, the goal is to create a space that is as balanced and harmonious as possible. One of the easiest ways to achieve this is by considering the five senses in the feng shui of your bedroom. Each of the five senses can have an impact on the energy in your space and, as a result, on your mood and well-being.
Below are some tips on how to feng shui your bedroom for better sleep using the five senses.
The color of your walls, the pictures you hang, and the lighting in your room all play a role in the feng shui of your space. Choose colors that are soothing and calming, and hang pictures that make you feel happy and peaceful. Also, be sure to have plenty of natural light in your room so that it feels bright and cheerful.

The sound of your alarm, the TV, and even the noise from outside can all impact the feng shui of your bedroom. Choose an alarm that has a calming sound, and try to keep the TV and other electronics out of the bedroom. If you live in a noisy area, consider using a white noise machine to help block out the excess noise.

The scent of your bedroom can have a profound effect on the energy in your space. Choose a scent that is calming and relaxing, such as lavender or chamomile. You can use essential oils, candles, or diffusers to fill your room with the perfect scent.

The food you eat can impact the feng shui of your bedroom. Choose foods that are nourishing and satisfying, and avoid eating in bed. If you must eat in your bedroom, make sure to clean up any crumbs or spills right away.

The textures in your bedroom play a role in the feng shui as well. Choose fabrics that are soft and comfortable, such as cotton or linen. Also, be sure to have plenty of pillows and blankets so that you can cozy up in bed when it’s time to relax or sleep.

Consult the Bagua Map to Pull in Harmonious Elements
A Bagua map is a tool used in feng shui that helps to identify the different areas of your life and how they are related to each other. The map divides your space into nine sections, each representing a different area of your life. By using the map, you can determine which areas of your life need more attention and then make changes accordingly.

How to Use a Bagua Map
There are three ways to use a Bagua map in feng shui: as a compass, as an energy map, and as a problem-solving tool. The most common way to use a Bagua map is as a compass, aligning your furniture and other objects in your home with the sectors that correspond to the areas of your life you wish to enhance.
You can also use the Bagua map as an energy map, focusing on the areas of your home that need the most attention. The feng shui elements are divided into five sectors: Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water. Each element has its own energy and power, and each sector corresponds to a different area of your life.
Career | Wood |
Knowledge | Fire |
Family | Earth |
Wealth | Metal |
Fame | Water |
Love | Wood |
Health | Earth |
Creativity | Metal |
Children | Water |
Feng Shui your Bedroom Using a Bagua Map
You can feng shui your bedroom using the front door method with your Bagua map. The first step is to find your front door. The front door is the entryway into your home and is symbolic of how energy enters your space. Once you know where your front door is, determine which area your bedroom falls into. For example, if your bedroom falls in the health area, where the dominant element is earth, try to incorporate earth tones like green and beige to bring in that element.
By following these feng shui tips, you can create a bedroom that is conducive to a good night’s sleep. Create a space that is harmonious and balanced so you can achieve the restful sleep you need to feel your best.